Christmas 2023

Just before Christmas, I was feeling a little congested and since we had family coming into town, I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t going to get anyone sick. I wanted to be able to say, “Don’t worry! It’s not covid.” But…it was covid. So I sent Scott, Aiden, and Court to the mountains to celebrate while I stayed here with the dogs. They came back Christmas Day around noon and we celebrated, so really, the boys got two Christmases on the same day! (I am trying to look on the bright side here!)

Bubba and Pop reading Christmas stories to all the grandkids on Christmas Eve.
Back home and opening their big Christmas gift trip which I made a scavenger hunt for them to figure out where they were going since I had some extra time on my hands! I will get to our trip in a few posts…
And we finally got a chance to make our gingerbread house from Grandpa!

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