Court’s cooking adventures

Since Court broke his toe, he has been spending time helping me cook. He loves to cook and is really meticulous about it all…except the clean up part but we’re working on it! Here are some of his recent creations.

Homemade salsa that he made from the last of our garden veggies
Soft boiled eggs with cranberry sauce, stuffing and a crescent roll. Who said Thanksgiving leftovers need to be only for dinner?!
Fried rice with a sunny side up egg

And on a completely unrelated note, Court went horseback riding during Thanksgiving break. Thanks for the Christmas gift Aunt Sandy and Aunt Cheryl!!

Court and his sweet horse, Gypsy

A first in our family

Honestly, I cannot believe that we have made it this long – two boys, 12 and 13 years old, with no broken bones. But, Friday ended that streak. Court officially has a broken toe.

After a shockingly efficient urgent care visit and trip to X-ray, he is still smiling.

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