Chapel Hill

Court and I were lucky enough to go to the last home UNC basketball game of the season (thanks for the tickets Bub and Pop!). Scott stayed behind with Aiden for his own basketball tournament. Court was a great travel companion, except for the ride home when he immediately fell asleep. But, we had such a wonderful day! We arrived around midday for a 6:30pm tip. It was one of those perfect spring days in Chapel Hill where everyone was out on Franklin St, the skies were clear, and the campus was gorgeous. Court and I parked on Franklin St and walked all over campus – to the student stores for face feet, to the Davie Poplar, to the Bell Tower, to the Old Well, to Forest theater, etc. Scott doesn’t typically indulge my nostalgia for my college days with long strolls through campus so Court couldn’t remember ever walking through campus. I think the last time we had done so was when he was three! Court absolutely loved it. He even asked if he could go to college at UNC one day. Can you feel my heart swelling?!

They even let us into Wollen Gym (since all of the students were getting ready for the bball game and not in the gym themselves) so Court could shoot around for a bit.
The spring flowers at the arboretum were beautiful
Court even caught a t-shirt!
Meanwhile, back in Charlotte, Aiden had two friends (Duke Steven and State Jack) come over to watch the game after his basketball tournament. Aren’t they just a sight?!

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