Christmas time is here

After being in the mountains for Christmas over the past few years, it was very nice to be home for Christmas. Although, we certainly missed seeing some family. On Christmas Eve, Kurt and Kimmie came over with Kenzie and Kayson for dinner and Bub/Pop and Grandma/Grandpa Wolford spent the night with us. How lucky are we that we get both sets of our parents and our kids get both sets of their grandparents with them on Christmas morning?! It’s such a blessing and we are so grateful to have them!

I came upstairs to find Court reading to Kenzie and Kayson – so cute!
Pop read “Twas the Night Before Christmas” before Kenzie and Kayson had to go home.
One of my favorite memories of Christmas morning every year is seeing the tree all lit up with all of the gifts underneath just waiting to be demolished.
My boys
If this picture doesn’t scream Christmas morning, I don’t know what does!
Aiden and Court solving their riddle about a gift trip to Turks and Caicos!
Since the F1 race in May, Aiden has been asking for a race car video game. Santa Claus is too nice! But I must admit, it is wicked fun.

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