Christmas preparations

Aiden and Scott had basketball when we were supposed to pick up our Christmas tree from church so, I stepped up to the plate. Court and I drove the GOAT to church and brought that beauty home. Court was terrified that I was not going to be able to manage the GOAT’s manual transmission and kept telling me how close the cars were behind us. He kept looking behind us nervously. He didn’t trust me one bit! Luckily, we made it home safely.
We have done gingerbread houses for years. The kids like to buy the kits from the stores and do it the “easy” way. But after this year, I believe they may rethink that decision. The glue/icing was terrible this year and Court’s would’t even stay together with superglue!
We had slightly more success with Aiden’s house. But then, Juno jumped up onto the table and ate off all the candies! She even ate the chocolate! They say chocolate is poisonous to dogs but Juno is tough as nails and pulled through without even a belly ache.
We were much more successful with Christmas cookies.
…Even if some of us couldn’t wait for the icing to set.
A few stink bugs have gotten in our house this winter. The Luke family from Atlanta sent the boys a salt gun to shoot flies in the summer. Why wait until summer?! Seize the day! Winston encouraged the kids to take control of the stink bug situation.
The TarHeels played in Charlotte before Christmas and we were able to go! So fun! We saw old friends that we haven’t seen in 20 years. And Pop introduced Aiden and Court to Eric Church at half time.
The Wolford and the Watsons all came over to celebrate Christmas on the 23rd. Let the Christmas-ing begin!

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