UNC/NC State Football

The day after Thanksgiving, Bub and Pop got us tickets to see UNC play NC state at home in football. The weather cleared up and it was a great day! The stands were packed with excited UNC fans and we had such a great time…until the end when we lost in overtime. I guess you win some, you lose some as they say. Thanks for the tickets Bub and Pop!

And TOTALLY randomly, I got to see my friend from BU, Stoo! We haven’t seen each other in about 10 years. He lives in San Diego and was coming to try to convince UNC to come to the Holiday Bowl that he helps to organize. Apparently, he did his job because that’s where UNC will play their bowl game!

November Photos

Sometimes you get behind in life and I am behind in the blog! So here are some November photos to help me (and you) catch up.

Grandpa Wolford took Aiden to Hilton Head for a car show. Aiden loved it! Now, I am not sure who is more excited to go back?
On Thanksgiving morning, our neighbors had a get together full of yard games for all the kids. Our favorites were these blow-ups that you wear to bump into each other. All four of us got in them and I can’t remember when I have laughed that hard!

Later on Thanksgiving day, Grandma/Grandpa Wolford, Grandma/Grandpa Watson, and Mike/Cara/Lindsay/Ryan all came for front yard football and dinner. This is the first year in MANY years that I didn’t work at the hospital and I loved every second!
AG Middle Student Council needed a volunteer to dress up in the turkey costume to collect frozen turkeys for the food bank. Guess who raised his hand? Aiden was hilarious greeting all the kids as they got out of their cars.

Halloween 2022

I just realized that I never posted Halloween photos! It was dreary and rainy and got dark really quick so our photos are terrible but here you go!

Court’s “Olaf” pumpkin
Aiden’s “Runny Nose Pumpkin”
Chief begged to be superman again.
Juno was a witch…because she is one.
Aiden was the Curry family basketball – Hornets shorts for Del Curry (who lives on the street behind us), Warriors jersey for Steph and black shoes for Seth who plays for the Nets. Court was “Fat Thor” from the Avenger’s Endgame movie but he got hot so he didn’t wear his robe and couldn’t be bothered to carry his hammer. Whatever!

This year was the final time that I will get to volunteer for the Storytelling festival at Sharon just before Halloween. Olaf was a big hit!