Recent photos

Aiden’s baseball came to an end last week with him playing a great last game (pitched great and hit a triple) and then got an end of season award for sportsmanship and being a great teammate called the “Johnny Nivens Award.” We are so proud of him!!

School ended on Wednesday for the year. Court enjoyed dressing up for a variety of different theme days during the last week. Happy summer!

Western day…he got a wee bit embarrassed when I made him take a photo

Court spend the afternoon on Lake Norman with his friend Matias a few weekends ago.

The Sharon Elementary fifth grade promotion ceremony was a huge success. You may recognize one of the PTA co-chairs below.

My friend, Claire, and I gave those 5th graders a great send off!

And we got to meet the newest member of our family yesterday, baby Emery! She is SO sweet!!