
A few months ago, my good friend, Kelley who lives in San Fran, started the idea of meeting up in Savannah since neither of us had ever been. It was totally her idea but it is so close to us, how could I say no?! So, last weekend, we made it happen. We took an awesome culinary tour, visited a plantation, rode in a bike tour to learn all the city’s history, walked along the river, and bought WAY too much honey! Who knew honey was such a big part of Savannah?! They honey tastings were my favorite part…other than seeing the Bayers of course! The food was delicious especially Mrs. Wilkes southern food – yum!

Couldn’t resist a photo with the Spanish moss!
Just look at this handsome crew!
A panoramic for Court. He can’t visit a new city without one.
At Wormsloe plantation
Cheers to this GIRL! Kelley and I live kind of parallel lives on opposite coasts and she is just the best! Can’t imagine being a mom without her input – thanks, my friend, for flying across the country to visit us!

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