
Just look at my niece? I am blown away by how fabulous she is – just about to graduate, just received a scholar athlete award and scholarship from her school, getting ready to go off to UNC Wilmington – what a wonderful time in her life! So happy for her! She’ll probably kill me for posting a picture when she practically just rolled out of bed – haha! That’s what aunts are for…

Perfect baseball

Our friend, Taylor, wasn’t able to use his ACC baseball tournament tickets Friday night so we took full advantage of his offer to let us use them! The TarHeels played an awesome game – lots of runs to shut out Virginia Tech; it was a gorgeous even with super 70s temps in the shade, and the boys had a ton of friends there to play with. It was perfect baseball for me! Thanks Taylor!


A few months ago, my good friend, Kelley who lives in San Fran, started the idea of meeting up in Savannah since neither of us had ever been. It was totally her idea but it is so close to us, how could I say no?! So, last weekend, we made it happen. We took an awesome culinary tour, visited a plantation, rode in a bike tour to learn all the city’s history, walked along the river, and bought WAY too much honey! Who knew honey was such a big part of Savannah?! They honey tastings were my favorite part…other than seeing the Bayers of course! The food was delicious especially Mrs. Wilkes southern food – yum!

Couldn’t resist a photo with the Spanish moss!
Just look at this handsome crew!
A panoramic for Court. He can’t visit a new city without one.
At Wormsloe plantation
Cheers to this GIRL! Kelley and I live kind of parallel lives on opposite coasts and she is just the best! Can’t imagine being a mom without her input – thanks, my friend, for flying across the country to visit us!


After almost 17 years of working as a Physical Therapist, I have temporarily retired. I will miss my wonderful friends at work who hosted a goodbye dinner for me last week.

Miami Grand Prix

This year was the first EVER Formula 1 race in Miami.Guess who the race COO is? Tyler Epp. That’s right…we know him! We LOVE the Netflix Drive to Survive series. We started watching during the pandemic and we all have gotten into it. Tyler was somehow able to get us four tickets!! Truly a once in a lifetime experience. The event was SO well done. Tyler has taken us to some awesome events but this really takes the cake. We got to see David Beckham, Serena Williams, Tom Brady, and so many drivers! Such an awesome experience! Thanks to Tyler and Melissa for such a fabulous weekend!

Aiden loves the McLaren team (alongside Melissa here at the paddock)
Court is a big Ferrari fan
Alex Albon drives for Williams racing
George Russell drives for Mercedes

Easter 2022

Bub and Pop were gracious enough to host us on Isle of Palms for Easter along with the Newlin crew. Friday was Scott’s birthday and then for the rest of the weekend, we ate and hunted Easter eggs!

Mammoth Cave

For Christmas, we have Grandpa a trip to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. It’s a National park that is driveable and the kids wanted to take Grandpa since he is the ultimate travel partner – easy going, incredibly patient, up for anything, and adventurous. Court still has his 4th grade park pass for a few more months too which is perfect. It was the most unique national park that I have been to. I found a water bottle in the gift shop that describes it perfectly:

Our trip was over Spring break but when we got to the mountains, it was snowing!!

When we got to our airbnb in Kentucky , there was a cool hike with a waterfall right on site.

There was also a pond stocked with fish.

Then, there was the Mammoth Cave System which is over 400 miles long! It is truly massive and amazing. Just thinking about how people explored it is terrifying to me.

One of the coolest things was using one of the only working river ferries left in our country to get to the park each morning and afternoon.

We even took a quick side trip to the Corvette museum for the car fan in our family!

It was a wonderful trip for us all! I hope Grandpa enjoyed his present as much as we did!!


Remember a few posts ago, Aiden and his basketball team won their basketball tournament? Well, lightning struck twice in the Williams house! Court and his team won his basketball tournament this past weekend!! Congrats to Court and friends and their Coaches Scott and Coach Chris on an undefeated season!

Post game speech. Court wore his hair just like Armando Bacot!

Let’s just say that the team picture process was a challenge to organize. Nevertheless, congrats to the Defenders which turned into the Dragon Slayers and then finally ended up as the Demon Slayers!

Here are some other photo highlights from Court’s season from Grandpa’s stash of pictures!