Wolford Family Christmas

Seven days before Christmas this year, the Wolford family celebrated at our house. Uncle Glenn flew in from New York and it was so wonderful to have him with us! The kids were counting down the days to Wolford family Christmas Day and it did not disappoint. We started with Aiden’s basketball game – where they won and he scored – then we all opened gifts and had a delicious dinner together. What a wonderful way to start the holidays!

Decking the halls

Our tradition of Aiden and Court piling into the Goat with Scott to pick up our Christmas tree continued this year. But we had some special guests to witness it all: Bub and Pop. With a new knee replacement just the day before, Pop was resting up in Charlotte with his #1 caregiver, Bubba. We thought a little Christmas cheer with some hot chocolate (which Pop actually thought was going to be hot fudge on his ice cream) and a Christmas movie might distract them from the recent surgery. We put on Christmas Vacation and realized that Bub and Pop had never seen it before. They roared with laughter until hot chocolate almost came out of Bubba’s nose! I had more fun watching the two of them laugh alongside the kids than I did at the actual movie. Definitely one of my favorite Christmas memories this year!!