Lawrence, KS

The first week of November, we flew to Kansas to see our good friends, Tyler and Melissa Epp and their sweet kiddos, Malone and Trey. It was hilarious to see Scott and Tyler since they grew up in Lawrence and got to see them in their old stomping grounds with old friends like Casey and Jason. Aiden and Court hear SO MANY stories about Scott growing up in Kansas, they loved seeing everything as well. It was a weekend packed full of sports and the Epps do it all in style!!! Thanks for having us Epps! We’ll come and visit you anytime, anywhere!

At the KU/KState football game “The Sunflower Bowl”
Court and Trey entertaining themselves when the football quality was lacking at times.
Scott and the Lawrence High Chesty Lion
Tyler has worked for the Chiefs for years and Aiden got to try on Patrick Mahomes’s helmet.
I really thought he might just pass out and die from happiness after the helmet and this Papakenos pizza!
Court and Malone swinging
The next day we went to the Chiefs game and it was the perfect weather. Can I just say that I am obsessed with this girl? Is she not just perfect?!
I promise Trey is in there too! Hiding in front of Tyler. What a fun crew! Go Chiefs!


…is always a favorite time of the year in the Williams household! We started off Halloween weekend with the storytelling festival at Court’s school. He was “too cool for school” this year and didn’t dress up but I came as a giraffe (gotta love a onesie!) and read Giraffe’s Can’t Dance. It is just the best thing the school does all year long.

We dressed up as construction workers at work and Aiden had some fun with my mustache!

Juno was Wonder Woman.
Chief was Superman. Don’t you just feel safer knowing Chief will save the day?!
Court was a blow up dianosaur skeleton (high maintenance costume) and Aiden was a basketball player (low maintenance costume).
I laughed at this kid trick or treating all night long! Until the batteries died…