Las Vegas

Sadly, our last leg of the journey meant that we had to say goodbye to the Bayer family to fly out of Vegas. Can I just tell you what a wonderful family they are? Four amazing people for all different reasons. In many ways, Kelley and I are living parallel lives on opposite coasts and I just wish I could convince her to move to Charlotte. But I digress, we drove to Vegas next. I was convinced that Vegas would be the kids’ favorite part of our trip with all of the lights and sounds and everything that Vegas is. This would have infuriated me since we had just come from such beautiful natural places but thankfully, Iwas totally wrong! They hated Vegas. THIS may have been my proudest moment as a mom yet. They both said they would never go back. Famous last words, I’m sure but I’ll embrace them for now. We stayed one night at the Bellagio before flying out the next morning. Aiden and Court loved the fancy cars, the Bellagio fountains outside our room, but hated the cigarette and marijuana smoke everywhere, the overcrowded pool and sidewalk, the loud noises, and all the people everywhere. I don’t think Vegas got the message about having a global pandemic.

Favorite quote about Vegas from Court: “Vegas is just way too much of everything” as said with a turned up nose. My response: “You never have to come back here! When all of your friends fly to Vegas for your own bachelor party, you can just come home to be with your mama.”

This is our favorite Vegas – secluded in our hotel room with the fountains all to ourselves!

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