March happenings

We have been training the puppies and Scott’s F3 friend “Snoop” has been showing us how to do it right.

I have been so proud of the boys and how they are really trying to be leaders of our little pack.
The daffodils are blooming!

March goings-on

UNC beat Dook in the Dean Dome on Senior night!!

After somehow skipping from 786,000th in line to number 1, Scott got his first vaccine! Woohoo!

Aiden and Court used their Christmas mini golf gift cards from Chris and Roger Watson and got interviewed for the news!

The kids will start back to school 4 days per week on March 22nd!

And the puppies are still trying to make up for all of their poor potty training progress with the power of their cuteness.


We were honored to be able to share Pop’s 900th win with him! A hard-fought victory over Florida State who is #1 in our conference this year. So proud of Pop for so many reason!! Congratulations!!