Aiden turns 11

This kid is just the best. When Scott and I decided to have kids, I really thought that I would enjoy being a mom when my boys were younger and definitely when they were babies. But I also kinda thought that I wouldn’t enjoy being a mom as much once they got to be like 10 and their baby cuteness was gone. Aiden has proved me totally wrong. Although we clearly do different things than when he was a baby, he continues to amaze me with the things he does. He surprises me with random facts that he memorizes about sports and cars (although you have to watch him because sometime he completely makes junk up), new games that he makes up for us to play, his recent love for just shooting basketball by himself to get better without anyone nagging him, his recent accountabiliy for his mistakes (what?!!), and every once in a while, his kindness to his brother! And he still hasn’t lost his cool as a cucumber attitude. He is just heaven for an 11 year old boy. I hope he keeps the good surprises coming! Love you Aiden!! Happy Birthday!!

Since we didn’t feel comfortable having a big birthday party (stupid pandemic), we rented a Mustang for the day and brought cupcakes to all of our family in Charlotte and a couple of Aiden’s friends. Aiden even got to sit in the front seat!!
That night, Pop and Bubba came for birthday dinner.

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