Christmas with the Williams

Santa found us this year in the mountains at Bubba and Pop’s house. Kimmie, Kurt, Kayson and Kenzie were able to make it too. Such a fun day all around. On Christmas Eve, it started snowing and brought us a white Christmas. Well it was a dusting anyway! Aiden and Court wake up super early on Christmas morning so they got to open Santa gifts first (after waking up Bub and Pop). Then, we prepped some breakfast and woke up the rest of the clan to open their Santa gifts. Then, we ate and opened all of the wrapped gifts! It was an ongoing opening fiesta!

Court and Kenzie
Christmas Eve tradition is for Aiden and Court to open their gifts to each other. It’s always one of my fave Christmas moments.
“Twas the Night Before Christmas”
Christmas morning
This was our first Christmas in 15 years without Bruno but Duncan filled all of our snuggle spots!!

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