Reptile updates

When I last posted, Court’s bearded dragon had passed on. So, of course, now he has a new bearded dragon. This one’s name is Tambo. But, for some reason, the name “Spike” has stuck in my brain and I call him “Spike” about once a day, Court gets sad for about 10 minutes, and then life carries on. Sheesh, Mom of the year, I know.

Let me just say, Tambo is the fastest animal on land. I know people may say that the cheetah is in fact the fastest animal. However, Spike (dang it!) Tambo is actually the fastest. So much for bearded dragons being the “lazy reptile.” He’ll likely escape by next week.

And the other update on Williams family reptiles is that Blue, Aiden’s leopard gecko turned 1 on Oct 1st (a completely arbitrary birthdate made up by Aiden in order for him to celebrate).

Happy birthday good buddy. To celebrate, Aiden put a matchbox car into his cage for him to “play” with during the day. Kinda looked like he was riding on it for a bit. Either way, that car spent the night in clorox.

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