Mom fail

This post is so embarrassing. But, I try to keep this blog real and put the good and the bad out there. So, here it goes. We recently received a lovely box of Jeni’s ice cream from a friend (she will remain anonymous for reasons you’ll soon find out).



This friend also told me we could use the dry ice to make a small explosion, like she learned in high school chemistry. Science experiment, here we come!! So, she gives me all the details, we shove a bit of water and dry ice in bottle we pulled out of the recycling bin and nothing happens. For 5 minutes. Nothing.
So, teaching my kids perseverance, we try again. And again nothing.

Third time’s the charm as they say. I think we may have gotten a bit brazen with our ratios of dry ice to water. This thing turned into a missile out of nowhere and even though we were standing 30 feet away hiding in the garage, it hit Aiden in the chin and left this (see photo below). Yep, that’s right. I accidentally hit my kid in the face with a homemade bomb. Mom of the year right here. 


Thank the Lord it didn’t hit him in the head! Lesson learned: Don’t make pipe bombs. 

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