Happy Birthday Uncle Ken!

Two weekends ago, we went to Mills River to celebrate Uncle Ken’s 70th birthday! What a great excuse to see family and get a little hiking done in the mountains! I am not sure which the boys liked better: Uncle Ken’s German chocolate cake, eating with everyone on the farm, or hitting golf balls with Pop! It was a quick but fun-filled weekend! Happy 70th Ken!


Mom fail

This post is so embarrassing. But, I try to keep this blog real and put the good and the bad out there. So, here it goes. We recently received a lovely box of Jeni’s ice cream from a friend (she will remain anonymous for reasons you’ll soon find out).



This friend also told me we could use the dry ice to make a small explosion, like she learned in high school chemistry. Science experiment, here we come!! So, she gives me all the details, we shove a bit of water and dry ice in bottle we pulled out of the recycling bin and nothing happens. For 5 minutes. Nothing.
So, teaching my kids perseverance, we try again. And again nothing.

Third time’s the charm as they say. I think we may have gotten a bit brazen with our ratios of dry ice to water. This thing turned into a missile out of nowhere and even though we were standing 30 feet away hiding in the garage, it hit Aiden in the chin and left this (see photo below). Yep, that’s right. I accidentally hit my kid in the face with a homemade bomb. Mom of the year right here. 


Thank the Lord it didn’t hit him in the head! Lesson learned: Don’t make pipe bombs. 

Happy 4th of July!!

We spent this July 4th in Flat Rock/Mills River, NC with Scott’s family and more specifically with Granny and Granddaddy who the kids and I have not seen since before the pandemic started. We have tried to be super cautious and keep them germ free but the Farm of Three Sisters hosted a heck of an outdoor shindig for us!  It was wonderful to see everyone and the food was marvelous too!  We even got fireworks in Hendersonville on the way back to Bub and Pop’s mountain house.


The cowboys


Big time wrestling with Kayson and Aiden


Fuzzy but hilarious


Scott and I took Bruno for a ride in the Jeep with the doors off. He loved it…I’ll let you be the judge if “he” refers to Scott or Bruno. 


Blackberry picking at Granny and Granddaddy’s


There was a lot of swimming in Bub and Pop’s awesome pool.  


After not having seen anyone in months during quarantine, Kenzie was a little skeptical of us all at first…even Bubba (AKA the baby whisperer). But she warmed a bit by the end of the weekend. 


Aiden and Cool-as-a-cucumber Kenzie


Devilishly (Court’s face) ready for a long overdue Easter egg hunt!



Twin eggs in the trees


Kenzie got an egg too


Catching fireflies at Granny and Grandaddy’s house



Ready for some fireworks!  A huge tree got in our way at the last minute, but we scurried to another parking lot and had a grand display! Happy Fourth to everyone!!!




Goodbye June

A few happenings in June:


There has been a lot of dirt bike riding now that our neighbor, Reid, got one as well. We have a proper motorcycle gang!


We celebrated Father’s Day with Grandpa with an epic game of hide and seek.  Let’s just say, Court won this round!


Scott celebrated Father’s Day weekend with Granddaddy.


And then did this when he got home.


Bruno is still going strong…slower, blinder, deafer, but still as feisty as ever.


Celebrating my birthday and Uncle Mike’s birthday with two Wolford families and the Watsons. 


Grandpa got some awesome photos



Aiden’s newest trick:  we call it the penguin gainer or the spiderman.

Beach getaway

Last week, I got a few days off in the middle of the week to take care of the kids since their summer camp (scheduled before COVID happened) got cancelled.  It just so happened that the beach house was open. And it just so happened that my parents were available to join us.  I think you know where I’m going with this story…


My copilot


First night on the beach



Aiden is a bit obsessed with body surfing and taught his brother everything he knows



Mermaid Aiden


Court was a turtle by the end



Grandpa found sea turtle tracks since they’re nesting this time of year.


Thanks for letting us borrow the house Bub and Pop! Thanks for joining us Grandma and Grandpa (and for all the great photos – we need to get you in some next time!)