October odds and ends

I have no idea how October managed to get so busy but Halloween is right around the corner. Here’s some of what we’ve been up to!


Ademole Okulaja is one of Scott’s college basketball teammates.  He came in town recently for dinner.  The kids want to adopt him as their big brother!


Aiden and Bubba at Late Night with Roy


Aiden and Court (who you can’t really see…bad photography!) got to sit with Pop on the bench for a bit. They loved being right in the action!



Our favorite Late Night moment was the team and coaches doing the electric slide.


The next day we went to the UNC-Clemson football game.  What a gorgeous day!B3F5E69B-B20B-4417-9952-6999B36DBEA2


Aiden had pajama day for his class’s good behavior at school.  Ms. Kelly sent me this one. He’s too cool to smile most of the time these days.



Bruno is now officially on palliative care.  He needs surgery on all 4 of his failing legs due to various reasons but his heart and respiratory issues make him unable to have surgery.  So we’ll keep him happy (he gets to eat whatever he wants these days) and comfortable for as long as he’s still with us.

I am still working out in the morning with my FiA (Females in Action) girls.  These ladies push me harder than I can push myself on my own even if it is 5am!

And we’ve done a lot of just playing like a bunch of 8 and 9 year old should!

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