Court’s 8th birthday

On his birthday, Court said, “Mama, there is only 10 more years until I move out of the house!”

Me: “Noooooooooo!” Followed by crying sounds.

Court: “I am just kidding. I’m never going to leave you.”

Scott: “Nooooooooooo!” Followed by crying sounds.


Court wanted a “sleepover party” for his bday so he invited a few friends from school. They were ridiculous, messy, stinky, and perfect 8 year old boys!


Birthday party cuisine picked by Court? Subway, his favorite along with carrot cake cupcakes. Man, am I a lucky mom to have a low maintenance kid or what?!


Glow in the dark slime!



This is a terrible photo but I would have gotten hit with a pillow if I tried to take another one; the boys watched “The Sandlot” at Court’s request.


One of his bday gifts, Rubick’s Race, has been a huge hit in our house these days.


Opening MORE gifts from the family on his actual birthday.


Kayson watching all the opening with Bub, Pop, and Aiden


Thanks Granny and Granddaddy!

Not pictured were Grandma and Grandpa Wolford, Kimmie, Kurt, Kenzie, Mike, Cara, Lindsay and Ryan who all made Court feel so special! Thank you all for celebrating our sweet boy who keeps us laughing and guessing everyday.  Hope 8 is GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTT! (Court just learned to do this with his writing and thinks it’s hilarious!)

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