Newton/Epp visit

Mark it down in the books – another awesome visit by the Epp and Newton families and this one at the same time!  The house held all 13 of us just perfectly in my opinion.  There were lots of giggles, silly games, bull riding (thanks to the Newton’s fun new gift), reading, swimming, chips and salsa, Duck doughnuts, and horror movies with Isley (after the littles went to bed)! Can’t wait until next year to do it again!  Thanks for making the long trip here to visit us – we’re so spoiled to have you come to us!



Bruno got so much love and affection this weekend; here with Maelle.


Then with Brek.


Isley learned to drive the hardest stick shift in the entire world in the GOAT.


Bruno had another nap…


These girls are just too fabulous. Brek (quietly hilarious), Isley (wise beyond her years in so many wonderful ways), and Maelle (braver than she advertises).  They would eat, swim, read, go to Target (which Athens, OH does not have) and repeat all weekend. Love them!


The Kennedys came over so Scott gave a tractor ride for the littles…and Dave. Scott was even more excited than they were!


Trey and Jackson tried out the treehouse


And at the end of the weekend, Malone and Trey made a late night (due to many delays) trip home.  Sweet babies!

End of school


Court’s class voted him “most likely to be president”


Court’s class having popsicles after field day


Field day fun


Last day of school in Mrs. Hubbard’s class. Court had a fantastic year thanks to her!  


Aiden’s teacher this year, Mrs. Hicks, didn’t really send out any photos of their class, so I took this random one of him during the class party.  It’s a weak effort, I know, but it’s all I got! At least his team won the hula hoop challenge. FA7C4CAB-6047-4D2D-BA1A-6276DBEB182A

Wedding date

On June 1st, Scott and I went to Chapel Hill for the night to celebrate our friend, Chase, getting married to his beautiful bride, Ann Archer.  FD7863BF-B9DA-4492-AC82-6E1D63A15412

We dropped them off at Grandma and Grandpa’s house for the night and look what they got to do!831FDD42-9AC8-48EA-8E21-7C2C2BA53CDF

Go to a Civil War enactment…2E1A68B0-3A9A-4C58-9CB5-523204C2626F

Learn about knives and cannons…0923A925-F803-490E-A280-D07875DD3EE2

And run as fast as they can!4DD73B14-24A7-4484-9715-4710D352A24736A7FA5C-006E-48B9-8B8A-D362DBB9FE3D

Big thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for the amazing babysitting services!


Cousin Ryan turned 9 last week and we were able to join in the taco fiesta to celebrate him! Happy birthday big guy!


Opening gifts



Mother nature gifted Ryan an amazing rainbow on our way home too!