Hunter is a Jackson!

Last weekend, cousin Hunter got a new name!  And our family got a new cousin…welcome to the crazy, John!  Their wedding was my kind of wedding.  Full of nature, full of family, and (at least from my end) no fuss!  Just a heck of a good time.  With the backdrop of Pisgah National Forest for the wedding ceremony and the beauty of Granny and Granddaddy’s farm for the reception, how can you go wrong?!  Huge congrats to the bride and groom.


Some were slightly less excited about getting dressed up than others…


He just cracks me up 


The family outside the church


This photo was in between ones where they were smiling but I missed my chance at those…but had to get one with John and Hunter and their parents! 


During John’s brother’s toast to the happy couple…a super sweet moment.  Cheers! 

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