Hunter is a Jackson!

Last weekend, cousin Hunter got a new name!  And our family got a new cousin…welcome to the crazy, John!  Their wedding was my kind of wedding.  Full of nature, full of family, and (at least from my end) no fuss!  Just a heck of a good time.  With the backdrop of Pisgah National Forest for the wedding ceremony and the beauty of Granny and Granddaddy’s farm for the reception, how can you go wrong?!  Huge congrats to the bride and groom.


Some were slightly less excited about getting dressed up than others…


He just cracks me up 


The family outside the church


This photo was in between ones where they were smiling but I missed my chance at those…but had to get one with John and Hunter and their parents! 


During John’s brother’s toast to the happy couple…a super sweet moment.  Cheers! 

Game ball

Last year, Aiden had one baseball game the whole season where Scott was out of town and I had to work.  That game was magnificent for him, and he earned the game ball from his coach. This year when Scott and I were in Mexico, guess who got the game ball?


Riviera Maya

In celebration of my 40th birthday coming in June, Scott took me to Mexico for some R&R. We slept 10 hours every night, took multiple naps, read all day, and ate great buffet meals. There is nothing like that clear blue water in your view and no one asking you to do anything.  Truly some R&R. Thanks to Bubba and Pop for watching the boys while we snuck away for a few days!! Now you need some R&R!



I really wanted to take this little guy home with us a souvenir!


The place we stayed had hammocks everywhere in case you got tired…you know, from all the napping. 

Wells Fargo

Last week, Pop played in the Wells Fargo Golf Championship Pro-Am here in Charlotte.  Luckily, the boys were off school that day for teachers to lobby in Raleigh for education funding. I had taken the day off to take care of the boys and Scott was Pop’s caddy. Bubba even came and watched with us. So the whole family made a great day of it!



Aiden carries the sign for the “Charles Howell III” team.


Court managed the sand traps


At one point, their team was a few strokes ahead of the group behind them and Aiden and Court got to put…and then people actually clapped for them!


Pop played with Coach Mack Brown (UNC football coach) and Bill Duvall and they could not have been more sweet to Aiden and Court. They felt so special.



Aiden got a quick pic with Mr. Howell who was wonderful and so patient with them. Thanks to Pop and Bubba for inviting us!

Spring break

Our family has been SO ready for spring break this year. Our school took back all of the teacher work days from Christmas until spring break due to all of the days missed from the hurricanes this fall.  So it was a long haul to make until Easter.  Boy, did we enjoy a week off!


Frozen yogurt with our friend, Sawyer (who is one of my favorite kids ever).


We celebrated Big One’s actual birthday! With a cinnamon roll – ha!



The boys and I spent a magnificent day at the White Water Center climbing trees, rocks, and enjoying a gorgeous day.



Court is in the blue…



We watched the Tarheels play South Carolina in uptown Charlotte. 



And then we headed for the beach, ahhhhhhhh.  This is Court with his kite – the perfect day for it




The boys loved their wetsuits which kept them super warm in the cool water. Thanks for those Grandma and Grandpa!


Trip to the Charleston Aquarium


A humpback whale rib – whoa!


Ready for the Easter egg hunt


We died Easter eggs.  I spelled it that way on purpose because I wanted to kill the kids by the time this was over.  Every so often, they fight….ok ok, they fight all the time. But I was able to convince them to smile before I wanted to kill them.


A quick smile during the Easter egg hunt



Kayson found a ton of eggs!


Bruno, the bunny


Court and Aiden got Kayson this huge Easter chick. He was a hit 🙂


Its hard to get them smiling all at the same time…


A little punchy in the car ride home from all the sugar


Happy Easter!!

Hunters wedding shower

Cousin Hunter is getting married.  So excited for her and her hubby-to-be, John.  They are such fun people and we’re so looking forward to a fun wedding to celebrate them! Cheryl and Bubba threw her a fabulous shower a few weekends ago in the mountains.  Since we had an excuse, we stayed for a few days!


Aiden is in a big tree-climbing phase right now. Climbing trees at the mountain house.


Darn it for a blurry iPhone photo but we got to celebrate Scott’s birthday while we were there with the whole family with Aunt Sandy’s red velvet cake of course!



Scott with two of his favorite people in the whole wide world.


Aiden looking like big man on campus in that big chair…notice how he didn’t put his shoes on it?  Manners for once 🙂


The shower girls. We clean up pretty nicely, eh?!