Running into December

Where does the time go?! I try so hard to be present in the moment and enjoy every second that this life affords me. But it still seems like the treadmill of life is going faster than I can! Alas, here are some of the things we have been up to!


The boys tried golf lessons this fall. This is the final “tournament.” It was super fun:  parents rode in golf carts following the players. They were divided into two teams and Aiden and Court’s team (the red team) won! Court is in black with red hat and neon yellow shoes. Aiden is in black shirt, gray pants, red hat, and red shoes.


We painted (and colored) pottery for Christmas gifts (if you’re lucky – you might get one for Christmas!)


These boys painted for 2 hours nonstop! Hyper-focus!


We scored court-side seats for the Hornets vs. Pacers game through Scott’s work. The kids LOVED it!


Court and Aiden ran their first 5K! Scott and Aiden ran together and Aiden crushed it – never stopped and finished his last mile in 8 minutes, 30 seconds. Court had to stop (a lot) but had a great attitude and pushed through until the end (where he ate a doughnut the size of his face).  The race was in Grandma and Grandpa’s great neighborhood and they cheered us on – thanks for hosting us!


Pre-race stretching


Aiden, Court, Bruno and I took a long weekend at the beach.  We love the beach in the fall. Even though it’s cold, the kids don’t care and we have the whole place to ourselves!


Bruno likes to bark at the seagulls.


They got into the freezing water every day and then warmed up with a toasty bath each afternoon. 



This is what Bruno and I looked like on the beach…with three jackets on!


Aiden and Court really wanted to try octopus when we were at the beach. Carpe diem!


Needless to say, it was a hit


We had “snow!” It was more like ice balls that had piled up but it’s still fun to make snowballs and snowmen with, right?!



This is Bruno’s favorite part of a snow day.


Court got his first ever barber shop haircut. He wanted to look like Christian McCaffrey.  


Aiden and Court started basketball. They get to play on the same team this year and Scott is their coach.  We love efficient sporting activities! 


Thanks for the great photos Grandpa!


Tell ’em coach!

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