
We met Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Mike, Aunt Cara, Lindsay, and Ryan at the pumpkin patch this year to pick out our Halloween beauties.

First we visited the hay bails:



Then the animals and farm equipment:DCF1FF90-610A-4E8E-BD3B-EFC91211BF6D

Then we picked out our pumpkins:



Court’s school does not celebrate Halloween but it does have a storytelling festival a few days before Halloween so all the children get to dress up.  Parents get to dress up too and read a book to a few classes.  It is the most fun activity I have been involved with at Sharon!



That same afternoon, the kids had their class parties.  Since the classes were slightly overwhelmed by sugar and excitement, this was the only photo that I got (since I didn’t actually take it) from the festivities. Carla and I joined the kids in the “mummify your friend” contest.  Other class moms looked at us in disgust but I think we were pretty talented.


On Halloween day, the kids had a teacher workday so we got to spend the day with William Ripple at his birthday party! Happy 5th bday William T!


It was a ninja party so Chatham and I were ninja sistas!


Finally, it was time to trick or treat! Aiden was a scary/faceless ghost and Court was Genji (a character from a video game that his mean mother, Cruella de Vil, won’t let him play).  


The fatigue and sugar hangover was palpable the next morning at the bus stop.

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