Spring break

We took a whole week for Spring Break at the beach house on Isle of Palms.  Kimmie, Kurt, and Kayson and their good friend, Jamie, stayed for a bit.  Pop and Scott stayed for a bit.  Bub and I stayed the whole time with Aiden, Court, and Bruno.  It was very relaxing and fun to decompress with no schedules, no homework and no packing lunches for a few days.


Kayson’s first Easter


Not warm enough for me to get in the water but these crazy boys (Kurt included) weren’t scared off by the cold.


Court holding Kayson (with Jamie close by for safety)


Aiden helped Kayson experiment with some real food!


Crazy Aiden in his sand hold


Court caught a sand dollar in his fishing net!


The heated pool felt great


Going to dinner at The Wreck



Court drew this amazing photo scape of Abraham Lincoln at dinner.


Strawberry picking



Bruno got a ponytail


And Aiden got a new bike (since his old won totally broke apart!)  That about wraps up our spring break! Can’t wait for summer…



This is a terrible photo, I know. But since this blog has turned into somewhat of a journal, I wanted to mark a really happy moment.  Court is playing tennis this year.  He has never played before and it’s been a little slow for him as they do lots of drills (because he has no idea what he’s doing) and he really wants to get to the game part of it. So, at his last tennis practice, he and another friend, Jack played in a real game. Coach Adrian (who is amazing by the way) coached them through the whole thing.  They played three sets with Court winning the first 7-6, Jack winning the next 7-6 and then Court winning the last set 7-3 and therefore the match. He was seriously pumped and proud of himself but didn’t show it until we got in the car because he didn’t want to hurt Jack’s feelings. He also got the most improved award called “the golden egg” from Coach Adrian.  A great day for this little man.


Coach Adrian telling the boys how great their game was and getting them to shake hands afterwards like little gentlemen.


Court With his coveted “golden egg” tennis ball


Grandma and Grandpa Wolford babysat Aiden and Court while Scott and I worked the first two days of the boys’ spring break.  They took a morning trip to the BMX bike park in Rock Hill, SC where there is a pump track that the boys can ride (mini-BMX style).  Although there was a little bit of learner error since this was the boys’ first time, they have been asking to go back ever since.  Thanks for such a cool adventure!
