Weekends away

In the last month, we’ve made some trips out of town to take advantage of the boys being between sports (meaning we have no Saturday game commitments for a few more weeks).  We made trips to Asheville to visit Granny and Granddaddy and then to Charleston to visit the beach!  Scott has been so focused at work at he has only been to the beach once this year – my how times have changed!  He used to drive us there almost every weekend of the summer just a few short years ago.  He says he’s “gotten old quickly” but those are his words and not mine 🙂

The main reason that we went to the mountains on the specific weekend that we did was to enjoy the beautiful fall leaves.  I scouted out a perfect hike for us:  beautiful views, perfect distance for the boys, interesting old fire tower to climb at the end. But, alas, it rained and was completely foggy.  C’est la vie! We would not be denied and hiked it anyway which resulted in nearly no views and wet feet but the boys loved it all the same and didn’t complain once.  What troopers.



Our fire tower amidst the fog


Aiden was terrified and hardly made it up the first flight of stairs!



This is our family selfie with the “beautiful view” in the background.


The next day we went apple picking.


The kid conversations they had about the apples were very entertaining to me.



Oh the difference a day makes!  The next day was clear as a bell but about 20 degrees colder with huge winds!  The boys didn’t mind and ran around like crazy.



I love these knuckleheads.

Then we were able to go to Charleston for Veterans Day weekend.  We watched our first parade in person as a family, ate a bunch of fried shrimp, and played for hours on the beach. Once again, the cold didn’t faze the boys.  They “surfed” in the tide pools and played in the waves.  We even got to see some dolphins.  Of note, I got a sweet sunburn on the bottom of my face only (which was the only part of my body that the sun could see with my sweatsuit, toboggan, and sunglasses).  It’s a special look – I highly recommend it.  Overall, some wonderful getaways for the fall!


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