Words of wisdom

I try to keep a running list of the hilarious things the boys say.  Seemed like a good time to post these.

When we were at the beach a few months back, the boys were riding their bikes after we first arrived. We had been in the car for a few hours so they were ready to get their wiggles out.

Aiden: “Hey, Mom, can we race?”

Me:  “Lets just have a fun leisurely ride together.”

Aiden:  “Oh, okay.”

Just then Court comes from behind riding at his top speed and says, “Hey, Mama, eat my dust!”



I put the boys to bed one night at the beach and while they were lying in bed they started telling me how they feel.

Aiden:  “I feel calm, happiness, and relaxation.”

Court:  “I feel like I don’t belong in this family.”


Eating dessert the other day, Aiden goes, “Mama, this ice cream is like a little piece of heaven”


Driving Court around town the other day.
Me:  “Hey Court!”

Court: “Yeah?”

Me: “I love you.  I love you for the person you are.”

Court:  “I love you too.  I love you for the person I want you to be.”


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