
Instead of going on our annual beach trip in August, we decided to try a “staycation.” Pros and cons to the staycation as I see it.  Pros – no packing, no driving, no unpacking.  Cons – you are surrounded by all the things that you’ve been meaning to get done when you get a break from real life…like during a staycation.  Have any of you met my husband?  A man who cannot sit still and a man who when reminded of something that he needs to do, cannot let it go before it is completed.  Whoops. Forgot about him. Next August, we’ll be at the beach.


Flying drones in our PJs. Starting out the staycation right. 


Court invited a few of his friends from preschool to a Martial Arts birthday party – lots of obstacle courses wore those boys out!


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Singing Happy Birthday to Court



He even got to break a board with his foot! Everyone decorated it before he got to break it. 


Our karate kid afterwards at the Pizza Peel.


On Sunday, we went to the rodeo in Kannapolis. It was super entertaining. At intermission, they dump a bunch of candy in the ring and let the kids race for it.



Grandma Wolford, Grandpa Wolford, and Uncle Glenn came too! So great to see Uncle Glenn who flew all the way from New York to see the eclipse. 


We took at day trip to Andrew Jackson State Park in SC to see the eclipse…and fish.



Grandpa’s amazing photo of the eclipse 


Scott and I took the boys to Carowinds one day.  The just LOVE that place.  We got there right as it opened and stayed literally until it closed.  One of my favorite days of summer vacation for sure. 



Aiden and Court’s first attempt at bumper cars.  Court was just barely big enough to ride and nearly fell out of the car everytime he was bumped.  They were laughing so hard it was hilarious.



A full day at Carowinds = one sleepy kid.


And then we got to celebrate Court’s 6th birthday!  During the day, Grandma and Grandpa came over to celebrate and brought Ryan and Lindsay over to play.  That evening, Uncle Kurt, Bub and Pop came over for dinner and cake. Court felt very loved. Thanks to everyone for making him feel so special!


Ninja cake!


Court riding around in his new car – all smiles!


Big One left for a long weekend to run the Hood to Coast relay with his F3 buddies.  So beautiful! And they pretty much rocked it. 


Tyler Epp (the boys call him Tepp) and his lovely wife, Melissa, came to stay with us for a long weekend in July.  (Cut me some slack on the lateness of this post please).  Their little boy, Trey, and their little girl, Malone, were such a treat to have with us.  Although we only get to see the Epp family once a year as they live in Kansas, we seem pick up right where we left off every time.  It’s always great to have them here.  However, something always seems to go wrong…this year, the air conditioning upstairs went out. Oops! They’re troopers though and for some reason keep wanting to come visit us!  Fingers crossed they keep coming!


We had a little joint birthday party for Jennifer Kennedy and Tyler while they were here to celebrate them both.


Man those kids are hard to keep still on the bball court


Bruno kept an eye on everyone


There may have been some chicken fights


Little Malone is such a love. Court and Aiden finally wore her down and convinced her to sleep in their room on the bunk beds on the last night she was here.


Tyler trying to secure tickets for the Knights game for us while the boys interrogated him about a great many things. 


So sweet


Knights game


Court explained the 3 strikes and you’re out rule to Malone.



Playing in the fountain uptown


Riding the light rail just for the fun of it. 

Words of wisdom

I try to keep a running list of the hilarious things the boys say.  Seemed like a good time to post these.

When we were at the beach a few months back, the boys were riding their bikes after we first arrived. We had been in the car for a few hours so they were ready to get their wiggles out.

Aiden: “Hey, Mom, can we race?”

Me:  “Lets just have a fun leisurely ride together.”

Aiden:  “Oh, okay.”

Just then Court comes from behind riding at his top speed and says, “Hey, Mama, eat my dust!”



I put the boys to bed one night at the beach and while they were lying in bed they started telling me how they feel.

Aiden:  “I feel calm, happiness, and relaxation.”

Court:  “I feel like I don’t belong in this family.”


Eating dessert the other day, Aiden goes, “Mama, this ice cream is like a little piece of heaven”


Driving Court around town the other day.
Me:  “Hey Court!”

Court: “Yeah?”

Me: “I love you.  I love you for the person you are.”

Court:  “I love you too.  I love you for the person I want you to be.”