Preschool triathlon finale

Court is starting kindergarten at the end of this month so he participated in his last preschool triathlon at our local Y. Next year, he will qualify for the kids triathlon. Since he was likely the oldest kid out there, he actually finished first place! Grandpa and Bubba came to cheer him on too which he loved.


Aiden was Court’s biggest fan and so sweet with him during the triathlon.


Aiden ran with Court down the home stretch.  Court didn’t have time to take off his helmet after the bike 🙂


The bike was poorly marked so Court rode quite a bit more than he needed to but he was focused and still made it quick to the run.


Aiden helped during the transition.  Probably illegal assistance but we’ll let that slide. 


I am not sure what Coach Katie is telling him here but I am sure it was excellent advice. Court wanted me to be ready to jump in to help him but he actually swam the whole length of the pool by himself with ease. 


Watch out Michael Phelps!

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