G&G and Bubba

In July, we got a lot of family time in which was much needed. Bubba had two weeks of keeping first Court and then Aiden in the mountains while they went to day camp at Camp Tekoa during the day. Camp Tekoa is the tiny little Methodist camp where the kids swim, zip line, play games, sing campfire songs and explore the forest. It is fabulous and they loved it. Having Bubba all to themselves each night was the cherry on top!!

Meanwhile, Granny and Granddaddy stayed at our house for a week for their “vacation”. G-daddy swam in the pool a lot, they both took naps, and they played a ton of board games with Court! It was nice to have them with us since things are always so rushed whenever we see them in the mountains.


This is the only photo I took while G&G were here. I stink.


Hiking with Bubba on the weekend in Pisgah National Forest.



Picking blueberries on the farm


Pop came to back in the weekends between recruiting to see the boys each off to camp.


Court is a happy kid with a movie


Dinner by the pool at Bub and Pop’s. These are camp signs they learned. Secret code!



And a few adorable Bruno photos to close!

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