Kindergarten Court

This little man started Kindergarten yesterday.  He pretty much rocked it. He rode the bus and was guided the whole way by his big brother and friend from next door, Lachlan who were very sweet with him.  He marched right onto the bus and waved to me from the window.  He came home smiling and singing songs he learned at Kindergarten.  My dear friend, Kelley, plays this game every year on your birthday where you say 3 good things and one bad from your year.  I played this game with Court today on his first day (thanks Kel!!).  His “3 goods and a bad” from his first day:

  1.  “Meeting a new friend but I can’t remember his name.”
  2. “Meeting a little boy who is actually really cool but I can’t remember his name.”
  3. Playing on the playground
  4. His “bad” was that he really like his teacher but he didn’t think he would actually have her as his permanent teacher for the rest of the year


    And yes, that is a name tag in the photo.  They ask that we “label” the kids with their name, school (are they going to lose them?!), and their bus number.  At least he made it home okay.  

Preschool triathlon finale

Court is starting kindergarten at the end of this month so he participated in his last preschool triathlon at our local Y. Next year, he will qualify for the kids triathlon. Since he was likely the oldest kid out there, he actually finished first place! Grandpa and Bubba came to cheer him on too which he loved.


Aiden was Court’s biggest fan and so sweet with him during the triathlon.


Aiden ran with Court down the home stretch.  Court didn’t have time to take off his helmet after the bike 🙂


The bike was poorly marked so Court rode quite a bit more than he needed to but he was focused and still made it quick to the run.


Aiden helped during the transition.  Probably illegal assistance but we’ll let that slide. 


I am not sure what Coach Katie is telling him here but I am sure it was excellent advice. Court wanted me to be ready to jump in to help him but he actually swam the whole length of the pool by himself with ease. 


Watch out Michael Phelps!

G&G and Bubba

In July, we got a lot of family time in which was much needed. Bubba had two weeks of keeping first Court and then Aiden in the mountains while they went to day camp at Camp Tekoa during the day. Camp Tekoa is the tiny little Methodist camp where the kids swim, zip line, play games, sing campfire songs and explore the forest. It is fabulous and they loved it. Having Bubba all to themselves each night was the cherry on top!!

Meanwhile, Granny and Granddaddy stayed at our house for a week for their “vacation”. G-daddy swam in the pool a lot, they both took naps, and they played a ton of board games with Court! It was nice to have them with us since things are always so rushed whenever we see them in the mountains.


This is the only photo I took while G&G were here. I stink.


Hiking with Bubba on the weekend in Pisgah National Forest.



Picking blueberries on the farm


Pop came to back in the weekends between recruiting to see the boys each off to camp.


Court is a happy kid with a movie


Dinner by the pool at Bub and Pop’s. These are camp signs they learned. Secret code!



And a few adorable Bruno photos to close!

Camp champs

When last I posted (sorry for the delay…it’s been a busy summer), Aiden was at bball camp. Aiden’s team ended up in the final game of the tournament against his friends James and Everett. It was a great game and went into overtime. Aiden didn’t play the greatest namely because he was guarding his best friend James and kept giggling while trying to defend him which meant James blew past him and scored nearly every possession.


Oh the excitement! The kids were going crazy!

With 30 seconds to go, Aiden ended up tying up the ball and regaining possession meaning their team won! Camp champions!


Aiden and James


The win by 1 point!



Court and his buddy Madeline got to hang out during the bball game to boot!