A loner

Aiden has been going to basketball camp all week sponsored by the Charlotte Hornets. He has rekindled his love of bball and has a bunch of friends with him. However, he said to me in the car this morning (when talking about how much his brother annoys him at times), “I don’t know what to say Mom. I like to do things by myself. I am a one man show.”

Seriously, who does this kid think he is?!


Tripp, Roman, Isaac, Aiden, Everett


Silly faces!

Field trip!

Before Court left preschool, his class was scheduled to tour the Mecklenburg county recycling center. Court was super excited about it but the church bus broke down and they couldn’t go. There were tears. It was traumatic for us all. Anyway, Ms. Paula at the recycling center was so nice and scheduled Court and me to have our own personal tour! It was so informative and Court loved it. He even asked to pick up litter on the way home. Way to go Ms. Paula!


Court was amazed at all the huge trucks and recycling piles


Tuckered out. Snoozing with his new pencil and sunglasses from the recycling center.

July 4th

This year was the first time ever that we hosted our families at our house for July 4th.  Kimmie, Kurt, Bubba, Pop, and Grandma and Grandpa Wolford all joined us!  I had to work on the 4th so we couldn’t travel and everyone was so nice and came to us!  We cooled off in the pool, cooked a whole bunch of food, and had the strangest sparklers known to man (they were different colors, a bit projectile, and smoked up the whole neighborhood).  It was such a wonderful way to celebrate July 4th with all the people we love best, enjoying the freedom we have in our country.  With all the craziness in governments around the world right now, it was nice to sit back and be thankful that we were born Americans.


Lounging on a pretzel


Aiden is a daredevil off the diving board these days


Court has doubled in his comfort level this year in the pool but can’t quite pull off tricks like his big brother…yet


Unless, that is, Court’s dad forces him  to do flips off the diving board. 



3 generations of Williams boys.  They just keep getting more crazy and silly 🙂




I heard a random tid bit on the radio the other day: couples that regularly look at pictures of cute puppies and kittens stay married longer. Well, American couples, you can thank Bruno for his cuteness on your next anniversary!

Summer vacation

The week after my birthday, I took Aiden and Court to the beach to meet up with Bubba for some rest and relaxation.  And that’s just what we got.  We spent all of our days split between the beach and the pool with some lego time and some card games on either side of those. We had great weather everyday and it only rained on the way home!


At dinner over the marina on our first night at Isle of Palms. The boys loved watching the boats come in for the evening, especially the ones with dogs standing on the front of the boat.


Cannonball contest at the pool



Making shark’s tooth necklaces



Beach bums


These boys boogie boarded for hours on end


Our Court found his bravery in the water and I kept having to call him in closer to shore.


Court got buried and made into a shark

We had a wonderful time with Bub and we really got to relax. For the first time in a while, I was able to vacation with the kids and still feel rejuvenated by the time I got home.  They are at such good ages right now so I am taking full advantage!  Love these boys and love that Bubba!