Carolina versus Dook

Don’t you love it when your favorite basketball team beats their arch rival on the last home game of the season which just happens to be senior night?  That’s what I call good living! IMG_1715


Somehow we didn’t get a photo with Pop or Bubba this trip.  So you’ll have to settle for some game shots instead. 


Somehow our crazy family got seated right behind Michael Jordan.  Aiden and Court think he’s their new best friend!  Some friends took this photo from their TV at home and texted it to me.  We had no idea we were on TV and I am just glad that Court didn’t spill his drink down MJ’s back! He heckled the refs and Coach K the whole time – awesome!


Cutting down the nets because the TarHeels are the regular season ACC champions!

Huge congrats to the TarHeels and to Pop and his staff for a fantastic night in so many respects!  So lucky to get to share it with them!

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