March Madness

From Greenville, SC to Memphis, we’ve been having a ton of fun following the TarHeels this March.


Court and Aiden with Ben Frederick at the games at Greenville, SC 


We were fortunate enough to fly to Memphis to see the TarHeels at the Sweet Sixteen and Great 8.  Court and I had a picnic before takeoff.  


Court and Aiden in front of the Lorraine Motel where Martin Luther King, Jr was shot.  We try to take in a little culture here and there. 


Scott found a great running route that we both got to run during the weekend. It led us into Arkansas! New territory for me.


Bubba and Aiden at the games in Memphis



Pop got invited to be the “Duckmaster” at the Peabody Hotel where ducks walk through the lobby in the morning to spend their day in the lobby fountain and then back to their Duck Palace to spend the night. Pop invited the boys to help!


We’re going to the Final Four!



Luke Maye – the hero of the Elite 8


The other hero of the game!


Let’s just say, we’re a little low on sleep but still cheering for our TarHeels!


For the past few weeks, Aiden and Court have both been studying Space at school.  The facts that these boys have come home with have been amazing.  Court, especially, has surprised us with very detailed explanations about things like nebulas and auroras.  They have asked me to look up videos from NASA and have even disputed different theories about space.  It has been really fun that they are so excited about learning all this and we are so grateful to their teachers who inspired their excitement!


Space man Court typing back to mission control


Aiden playing with Court in his class spaceship



Aiden and his BFF, James, on their field trip to the Schiele Museum where they got to study space in the planetarium.

Carolina versus Dook

Don’t you love it when your favorite basketball team beats their arch rival on the last home game of the season which just happens to be senior night?  That’s what I call good living! IMG_1715


Somehow we didn’t get a photo with Pop or Bubba this trip.  So you’ll have to settle for some game shots instead. 


Somehow our crazy family got seated right behind Michael Jordan.  Aiden and Court think he’s their new best friend!  Some friends took this photo from their TV at home and texted it to me.  We had no idea we were on TV and I am just glad that Court didn’t spill his drink down MJ’s back! He heckled the refs and Coach K the whole time – awesome!


Cutting down the nets because the TarHeels are the regular season ACC champions!

Huge congrats to the TarHeels and to Pop and his staff for a fantastic night in so many respects!  So lucky to get to share it with them!