Catching up

Here are a few of the random activities that have been keeping us busy these days.


Grandma and Grandpa came in town for game night!


The Ripple family has spent a few Sunday afternoons over here enjoying our Spring like weather.  William and Anna bring their Denali over and ride around.  Let me tell you about the laughs we hear from that little car!


Aiden and Court look SO HUGE in this car!


Anna and I took a turn riding the big kids toys.


Aiden’s class was studying famous Americans.  Aiden chose to study Jackie Robinson.  He made a posterboard about Jackie.


Then Aiden got to dress up like Jackie for a school parade. He pretty much rocked it. Jackie Robinson would have been proud.


Aiden’s friend, Carter, in the background was also Jackie Robinson!


To celebrate the 100th day of school, Aiden’s teacher took photos of them and made them look “old.”


Pop and Bubba came into town and took us to a Hornets game. The boys loved it.  They especially loved sitting behind the LA Clippers bench where their best friend, Bryce Johnson, was sitting.


Aiden had his 7 year old check up.  He’s healthy as an ox except for a planters wart on his foot.  Boys are so gross. But I still love this 7 year old!


This past weekend, Granddaddy celebrated his 93rd birthday!  What an amazing man he is and such a wonderful role model for my boys in so many ways.  We all met up in Chapel Hill to celebrate and threw in a great basketball game against Virginia (and a win to boot!). We even got to see Marcus Paige and Bryce Johnson get their jerseys in the rafters. Such a super cool weekend all around for us to honor a super cool man!


The boys watching Marcus and Bryce’s halftime jersey presentation


Bryce could not be sweeter to my boys.  He saw Court and put his arms out; Court ran up to him and Bryce scooped up just to carry him around for a while. Court said, “Mama, I was so high up in the air!”


We celebrated with a delicious birthday brunch for Granddaddy.  He’s blowing out his candles in his coffee cake!


Giving Granddaddy his cards


Happy Birthday to G’daddy!  We love you!! 

Handsome boys

The boys got to sport their Christmas gifts from Granny at church this morning.  Looking very handsome if I do say so myself.


Russell Westbrook look-a-like


Court showing off his fashion as well as his new basketball medal