
Aiden and Court are playing on the same basketball team again this year.  And once again, Scott “Coach Sausage” leads their team.  They do have a legitimate assistant coach (i.e. anyone but me) named “Coach Eggs.”  Their team name?  Team breakfast.  It’s much more structured this year with one practice and one game per week.  Our team is so cute and they all work so hard, it’s just so much fun to watch.  And when one of those kids makes a basket, their face just lights up.  The rest of the game is just pure comedy!img_1464img_1466


A little dance on the sidelines.


Aidan’s good friend, Kieran, is our leading scorer.


Court (#4) has not scored in a game yet but he is really tough on defense.


We have one girl on our team, Dottie.  Look at that bow! Adorable.


This is a terrible photo but I include it to remember when our team played our friend Justin’s team. Justin has been in the blog before under his F3 name, 5-0.  He coaches his daughter, Madison, and her team.  Sweetest little girls.  Bless them – we won by almost 20.  Sorry 5-0.  Scott even introduced the “you have to make 3 passes before you can shoot” rule to our team to try not to run up the score on them.  5-0 is in the Dook shorts.  I intentionally cut off his head because, well, he’s wearing Dook shorts!


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