Snow day

In early January, we had a little snow.  It was more like freezing rain and sleet but it mounted up to look like snow.  They were calling for 5 inches so I was worried the boys would be a little disappointed when they woke up in the morning and saw a 1/2 inch of sleet.  Fortunately, Aiden came bounding into our room as soon as it was 7:00am.

Aiden:  “Mama! I have two pairs of underwear on. I have to pairs of pants on. Three pairs of socks and two shirts.  Can I go play in the snow? Have you seen it out there?!!!”

Me:  “Yes…have you seen it out there?”

Aiden: “Yeah, there is snow everywhere!”

Me:  “Ok. Go for it kiddo.”img_1420img_1421


Sledding down the huge mound of landscaping dirt.  



Warming up after all the sledding.  Looking at photo albums from when Aiden was a baby.


Our first fire in our new house! One day we’ll have the fireplace surround finished…details. 


The boys loved scraping Grandpa’s car!  Future AutoBell employees of the month. 


Thanks to Grandpa for all the great photos!

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