
Aiden and Court are playing on the same basketball team again this year.  And once again, Scott “Coach Sausage” leads their team.  They do have a legitimate assistant coach (i.e. anyone but me) named “Coach Eggs.”  Their team name?  Team breakfast.  It’s much more structured this year with one practice and one game per week.  Our team is so cute and they all work so hard, it’s just so much fun to watch.  And when one of those kids makes a basket, their face just lights up.  The rest of the game is just pure comedy!img_1464img_1466


A little dance on the sidelines.


Aidan’s good friend, Kieran, is our leading scorer.


Court (#4) has not scored in a game yet but he is really tough on defense.


We have one girl on our team, Dottie.  Look at that bow! Adorable.


This is a terrible photo but I include it to remember when our team played our friend Justin’s team. Justin has been in the blog before under his F3 name, 5-0.  He coaches his daughter, Madison, and her team.  Sweetest little girls.  Bless them – we won by almost 20.  Sorry 5-0.  Scott even introduced the “you have to make 3 passes before you can shoot” rule to our team to try not to run up the score on them.  5-0 is in the Dook shorts.  I intentionally cut off his head because, well, he’s wearing Dook shorts!


Snow day

In early January, we had a little snow.  It was more like freezing rain and sleet but it mounted up to look like snow.  They were calling for 5 inches so I was worried the boys would be a little disappointed when they woke up in the morning and saw a 1/2 inch of sleet.  Fortunately, Aiden came bounding into our room as soon as it was 7:00am.

Aiden:  “Mama! I have two pairs of underwear on. I have to pairs of pants on. Three pairs of socks and two shirts.  Can I go play in the snow? Have you seen it out there?!!!”

Me:  “Yes…have you seen it out there?”

Aiden: “Yeah, there is snow everywhere!”

Me:  “Ok. Go for it kiddo.”img_1420img_1421


Sledding down the huge mound of landscaping dirt.  



Warming up after all the sledding.  Looking at photo albums from when Aiden was a baby.


Our first fire in our new house! One day we’ll have the fireplace surround finished…details. 


The boys loved scraping Grandpa’s car!  Future AutoBell employees of the month. 


Thanks to Grandpa for all the great photos!

Monster jam



Monster jam was as monster success.  We saw some super fun Monster cars and their drivers, we didn’t go deaf with the help of our ear protectors, and one of our favorite cars, Grave Digger, won! Thanks for Aiden’s fun birthday gift, Grandpa!!

Aiden’s 7th birthday

Aiden’s 7th birthday was wonderful.  We kept it simple with the moving thing and with the stomach virus that ripped through our household just prior.  Luckily, Aiden made it out unscathed!  His birthday was New Year’s Day.  I was still a bit under the weather and Scott was on the verge of coming down with it.  So we took it easy. Grandpa came in town for a few hours (driving 5 hours to get here and back!) just to hang out with Aiden and give him his gifts because as he said, “A 7 year old needs to open his gifts on his birthday!”  Aiden wanted fried shrimp for his birthday so Pop (who also drove 5 hours to get here and back!) and Bubba took Aiden out for a fancy dinner at the Cajun Queen where Kimmie and Kurt met us for dinner and cookie cake.  He felt very special! The next day was his birthday party where we took 12 kids to Defy Gravity, a local trampoline park, and then back here for lunch and cake.  Those kids were worn slam out!  Ok, we were all worn slam out! Bubba was a trooper and helped ferry all the kids and supervise the trampoline park as Scott was still a bit under the weather. Scott was able to rally after a while and we really had a great time.  Aiden and Court got to really give the playroom a try with 12 kids in it after lunch!


Aiden and Grandpa


For his birthday, Grandpa bought tickets for Aiden, Court, me and himself to go to the Monster Truck Show!


Birthday breakfast: doughnuts at Duck Donuts


Opening gifts – this one is from The Bayer Family.  Thanks!!


Aiden loved this super cool pop-up ball from The Luke Family! Thanks guys!!


Pop and Bubba snuggling with the birthday boy after dinner


The trampoline gang.  Dodge ball was a huge hit as well as the trapeze. 


Star wars cake with a darth vader cake topper that made spooky breathing sounds.


Happy birthday to our amazing 7 year old!  We are so proud of the little boy that you’re growing up to be. We love you, Aiden!!

Moving out

On Dec 27th, the movers came and packed up our 5th Street house.  On December 28th, we moved into our new home!  Grandma was so wonderful to come and help us.  We were all exhausted by the end of the day (including the movers!!) Aiden and Court shed some tears over leaving their rooms and Court even demanded that the movers put EVERYTHING back at one point.  But once we got them settled in their new digs, they haven’t seemed to mind.  I keep trying to remind them that home is wherever our family is.

Our first night was a little rough to say the least.  The security alarm went off 4 times in the middle of the night inexplicably.  Bruno reverted to puppy hood and is now not potty trained any more.  And Court puked on the new carpet…twice.  He got the stomach flu that night and I quickly followed suit, and then Scott.  So that happened and is now behind us.  Bubba came and added her interior decorating genius which helped a ton in helping us feel settled.  And now we’re unpacking the rest little by little.  We’ll get there eventually but for now, we’ve got extra room so plan a trip to come visit!

img_1354img_1356Last story time in “The Money Pit” at 5th St.img_1359

Last story time in “The Money Pit” at 5th St.


Aiden tuckered out with the moving process



First dinner at The House in the Woods


Our first story time in the new house


Bruno is still very cute but has absolutely lost his mind with this move. Poor guy


New living room


One thing we have no shortage of here? Dirt!  

Christmas 2016


We celebrated Christmas on Dec 23rd with Uncle Mike, Aunt Cara, Lindsay and Ryan.


Stormtrooper Aiden


Lindsay organized some games for the younger kids.


Court got the game “Pie Face!” from Mike and Cara.  Its a game where you get hit with cool whip in the face.  Hilarious! I have not heard that much laughter in a long long time!!!


On Christmas Eve, we went to visit Bubba and Pop in Flat Rock.  Court got some reindeer food for Santa’s reindeer!



Pop’s new recliner!


Twas the Night Before Christmas…


The Polar Express


Court and Granddaddy


Santa came!


Santa’s favorite elf, Leroy, was putting together Pop-A-Shot and an arcade game in the attic all night and we didn’t even hear him! The boys were pumped to play!


New hats and Christmas PJ’s!


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Scott and I got them a random assortment of sporting goods which ended up in this photo. Man, the look like rednecks.


Aiden and Court’s gift to Pop and Bubba: a photo album of them!  How vain…


Bruno’s gift:  Greenies! His favorite.


Stocking candy!


More stocking candy!


Santa brought the boys golf clubs and bags!


I am LOVING Court’s form in this photo.  Eat your heart out, Tiger Woods.


Granny and elf Katie.  Bubba bought me this outfit and I just love her for it! Jingling all the way!


Santa also bought the boys drones which are broken already, ha!

We are so thankful for all the goodies that Santa brought us but more than anything, we’re thankful for our family who is healthy around us and the time that we got to spend with everyone!  We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas with the ones that you love!