The Epps visit

Tyler, Melissa, Malone and Trey Epp came to visit from Kansas City and used us as a trial run for traveling for the first time as a family of four! We were honored to host their first fam fun trip and I think it went smashingly! Trey and Malone are such fun kiddos. Aiden and Court could NOT get enough of Malone and pretty much frightened her off with their affection the entire weekend. The kids got to play by day and the adults got to hang out by night! We only hope that they had as much fun as we did.  Please come back next year!


Trey, Court, Malone, and Aiden


Trey enjoyed Tyler’s birthday cake! Happy birthday Tepp!


Tyler and Bruno bonded. Don’t let the sour look on his face fool you.  He is acting all tough and cool – he loves that dog!


Malone and Court in a tickling match.



Trey and I coloring


I literally took NO photos of the cookout that we hosted in honor of the Epps visit.  Ugh! However, someone sent this photo to me and I just love it.  Jen is feeding Jackson and Naya while Melissa and I act as high chairs.  Sometimes it takes a village!

We took the kids to Ray’s Splash Planet one morning.  Let’s just say it was a big hit.


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