Mother’s Day 2016

I don’t do a lot of social media, no Facebook, no twitter, only this blog really, and the occasional recipe from pinterest.  However, I have randomly come across a few quotes for mother’s day this year that are salient to me this year.  Hold on, it’s about to get deep (not really though). Cousin Hunter told me she hates sappy social media posts about how great moms are…Cousin Hunter, stop reading now.

“Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life.” Sophocles
Ain’t that the truth?  Aiden and Court ground me in such a profound way.  They remind me that the most important thing is to be fully present when I am with them.


This kid was SO proud of his mother’s day gift to me: a hand decorated and painted pot with a mint plant! Am I spoiled or what?!


Aiden made me a “pinch pot” which is a little clay pot he made by hand and a coupon book full of little jobs he can do for me around the house. Sweet.


“I got to grow up with a mother who taught me to believe in me.” Antonio Villaraigosa
This quote makes me think of my mom who definitely gave me the confidence to do things I never dreamed that I would be able to do.  I only hope that I can do the same for my kids. We were lucky enough to be able to take her to dinner Saturday night to celebrate what a wonderful mom she is to me and what a great Grandma she is to Aiden and Court.

Sadly, I got no photos of my mom at our Mother’s Day dinner!  Ugh!  However, I was able to get a picture of another great mom…Granny!  We fixed her breakfast on Sunday morning.  Doesn’t she look beautiful!



To all you Mamas out there and to Bubba who weren’t able to visit with on Mother’s Day weekend, hope you had a great one and keep up the good work, will ya?!



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