The week of Court

Court turned 4 years old on August 24th.  Since his birthday was on a Monday and we waited until Saturday for his actual birthday party with his friends, we ended up celebrating him just about every night of that week. Man oh man did he LOVE it!  Everyday that week, he got a birthday present whether it was from us, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts/uncles, or friends.  Totally, 100% spoiled.  Pop and Bubba celebrated with I’m on his actual birthday, Grandma and Grandpa the next weekend, Aunt Kimmie on Thursday with a dinner date to Chick-fil-a, and Mike/Cara/Lindsay/Ryan on Friday night.  Thanks for making him feel so special all week long.  Here’s to you Court-man!

On Court's actual birthday with Bubba and Pop

On Court’s actual birthday with Bubba and Pop


Pineapple pudding cake came first

Pineapple pudding cake came first


Court's gift from us was a new swing!

Court’s gift from us was a new swing!


And some lacrosse sticks.  The boys giving a "mean face"

And some lacrosse sticks. The boys giving a “mean face”


Court showing off his new Octonauts toys from Mike, Cara, Lindsay, and Ryan

Court showing off his new Octonauts toys from Mike, Cara, Lindsay, and Ryan


Ice cream sundaes came next!

Ice cream sundaes came next!



Scott and Lindsay playing with Court's new light sabers from Grandma and Grandpa

Scott and Lindsay playing with Court’s new light sabers from Grandma and Grandpa


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Grandma and Grandpa came to celebrate and were duped into helping with the party!  Thank you so much!!!

Grandma and Grandpa came to celebrate and were duped into helping with the party! Thank you so much!!!


Court with his preschool friends at his Planes party.  Look at all of those little airplanes flying around

Court with his preschool friends at his Planes party. Look at all of those little airplanes flying around


We made paper airplanes and flew  them around

We made paper airplanes and flew them around



Dusty Crophopper pinata!

Dusty Crophopper pinata!


Dizzy bat races

Dizzy bat races

That game always makes me laugh!

That game always makes me laugh!


And carrot cake to finish up!

And carrot cake to finish up!


Happy birthday little man! We love you!!

Happy birthday little man! We love you and all of your enthusiasm!!

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