A warm welcome to August

On August 1st, Pop had a birthday and came in town so we could help him celebrate.  We started off the day with the boys preschool triathlon (Court’s second and Aiden’s last as he will be too old next year).  It is always one of my most favorite days of the year – watching my boys try their hardest in an athletic event, getting all nervous and excited beforehand, and then holding their chests high with their medal afterwards.  And this year did not disappoint.  So glad Pop and Bubba were here to cheer them on!  Then we headed to Krispy Kreme for a victory treat.  The boys played at the house afterwards so it was building blocks and stories for them while some of the adults (Pop and Big One) napped.  Then it was the boys’ turn to nap!  After everyone regained their energy, we splashed at the pool before celebrating Pop with a big birthday dinner. What a wonderful way to kick off August!  Happy birthday Pop!

Aiden woke Court up he was so excited to get ready for the triathlon

Aiden woke Court up he was so excited to get ready for the triathlon

Get your game face on!

Get your game face on!


Court was #3 (his favorite number, just like Uncle Mike!)

Court was #3 (his favorite number, just like Uncle Mike!)

Ready for the start

Ready for the start

Coach Katie helped Court across the pool

Coach Katie helped Court across the pool while cheering for Aiden who was just a few meters ahead

But Aiden swam the whole 25 meters by himself - way to go kiddo!

But Aiden swam the whole 25 meters by himself – way to go kiddo!  Look at that form!

Transition from swim to bike

Transition from swim to bike

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Court coming to the finish of the run

Court coming to the finish of the run

Proud boy

Proud boy

And a proud mama! Aiden's medal actually meant something this year since he actually did cross the finish line first! (Disclaimer, the kids don't all start at the same time)

And a proud mama! Aiden’s medal actually meant something this year since he actually did cross the finish line first! (Disclaimer, the kids don’t all start at the same time)

Sweet reward!

Sweet reward!


Pop's birthday breakfast!

Pop’s birthday breakfast!

Handsome boys

Handsome boys

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