July 4th

Aiden was the first in our family to celebrate the 4th this year with a parade with his class at preschool.  Isaac’s Mom and Dad brought in a bunch of military shirts (since they are both in the military) for the kids to dress up in.  They decorated shakers, made a flag, and paraded through uptown Charlotte.  Aiden was pumped because he got to carry the flag!

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On Thursday before the 4th, we meet Uncle Mike, Aunt Cara, Lindsay, and Ryan in Kannapolis for the symphony, picnic, and fireworks.Afterwards, Aiden and Court had their first sleepover with their cousins.  Scott and I were not invited! I thought for sure we’d get a 2am wake up call with one of them wanting to come home but they made it all night and didn’t want to come home in the morning! Thanks Mike and Cara!!

Court, Lindsay, Aiden, and Ryan riding the train around the park before the symphony

Court, Lindsay, Aiden, and Ryan riding the train around the park before the symphony

Aiden and Court brought ear protection so the fireworks weren't so loud. Note that it is still light outside...the boys were prepared early for the noise!

Aiden and Court brought ear protection so the fireworks weren’t so loud. Note that it is still light outside…the boys were prepared early for the noise!

Lindsay and Court playing with our new friend, Caroline.

Lindsay and Court playing with our new friend, Caroline.

The symphony was great - lots of patriotic music and the kids marched right along.

The symphony was great – lots of patriotic music and the kids marched right along.

Then we brought out the glow sticks

Then we brought out the glow sticks

This was the scene the morning after the sleepover - three dirty boys in a tub!

This was the scene the morning after the sleepover – three boys in a tub!

For the actual July 4th weekend, we went to the mountains to see Scott’s family and my parents.  We got to visit Grandma and Grandpa at their house since Grandma is recovering from some surgery (Go Grandma Go!).  We also got to see Granny and Granddaddy, Uncle Larry and Aunt Sandy, Aunt Kimmie, Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Ken who all came to Bub and Pop’s mountain house for swimming and a cookout.  Later that night, we went into downtown Hendersonville to dance to the music at the street party and watch some fireworks.

All set for the 4th of July parade through Kenmore Country Club (where Bub and Pop's house is in Flat Rock)

All set for the 4th of July parade through Kenmore Country Club (where Bub and Pop’s house is in Flat Rock)


Kimmie and Duncan came too!

Kimmie and Duncan came too!

Court and a festive Duncan

Court and a festive Duncan

Dancing to the band downtown

Dancing to the band downtown

This year was Court’s first year watching fireworks.  He kept saying “This is just amazing!” He was so excited about the day that he was exhausted and fell asleep in the car on the way home (almost 3 hours after his normal bedtime).  When we got back to Bub and Pop’s, Scott set him on the potty before getting him to bed (since he drank an enormous lemonade).  This was how he closed out his July 4th.

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