The end of soccer season

Last week was the last session of soccer for the Spring. Aiden and Court finally got to play on the same team for their last game.  Court played goalie and stopped about 5 shots on goal.  Aiden was a forward and scored the only goal of the game.  What a team!  They got little certificates and medals afterwards – so cute!

Aiden was cool as a cucumber when he was called to get his medal.

Aiden was cool as a cucumber when he was called to get his medal.

Court was a crazy man - so excited to get all that attention!

Court was a crazy man – so excited to get all that attention!

Beginner’s Day

Aiden recently had the opportunity to go to Beginner’s Day at Sharon Elementary where he’ll start kindergarten this fall.  He got to meet a few new friends, watch a movie about going to Sharon, and got to ride the bus around the parking lot!  Woohoo!


He's going to be an Eagle!

He’s going to be an Eagle!

Beach bums

Here are some photos from our recent May Day weekend with the Ripples and Kennedy families.  We decided to take a beach trip before the number of kids outnumber the adults.  Chatham is expecting baby girl Ripple in July and Jen is expecting twins (boy and girl) Kennedy in September!  Hooray!  But before all the babies arrive, we had a little fun!


Baby McKenzie sunbathing on the pool deck

Baby McKenzie sunbathing on the pool deck


Court taking a swim

Court taking a swim

Jen and MAK

Jen and MAK

Scott can't resist throwing those kids around

Scott can’t resist throwing those kids around

Chatham and William

Chatham and William

MAK and William loving the sand

MAK and William loving the sand

Look at that cutie pie MAK!

Look at that cutie pie MAK!

Court and William having a rock

Court and William having a rock

Aiden and MAK warming up after a swim

Aiden and MAK warming up after a swim

What a wonderful time!  Next year, we'll be outnumbered!!

What a wonderful time! Next year, we’ll be outnumbered!!

Lead up to Mother’s Day

We had two weeks of visits from some of the mothers in our family just before Mother’s Day.  Bubba came to stay for a few days while Pop was traveling around Charlotte.


Then Grandma came into town to keep up company while Big One went to London for business.

IMG_5798Big One came home just before Mother’s Day and those boys spoiled me.  What more can a girl ask for on Mother’s Day?!

The boys and I "camped" out in Aiden's room.  FYI, if you would like to actually sleep, you should not try this at home.

The boys and I “camped” out in Aiden’s room. FYI, if you would like to actually sleep, you should not try this at home.

The boy and I took our first bike ride to dinner where they can actually ride their own bikes!  What a milestone!

While Scott was away, the boys and I took our first bike ride to dinner where they can actually ride their own bikes! What a milestone!


At dinner


Ice cream for dessert!

Ice cream for dessert!

This is a good photo of Aiden but I especially love little Court's face in the background.  Ice cream heaven!

This is a good photo of Aiden but I especially love little Court’s face in the background. Ice cream heaven!

Breakfast in bed on Mother's day

Breakfast in bed on Mother’s day


Bruno celebrated by sleeping late with me

Bruno celebrated by sleeping late with me

This was my gift from Court for Mother's Day.  A beautiful necklace that he made himself.  You might expect it to say "Mom" but in fact, it says "EEW."  Feel the love.

This was my gift from Court for Mother’s Day. A beautiful necklace that he made himself. You might expect it to say “Mom” but in fact, it says “EEW.” Feel the love.

Thanks to all of the mother’s out there (especially Granny, Grandma, and Bubba) who lead me in so many ways of life and who teach me to be a better mother every time that I am around them.