Valentine’s Day

We started off Valentine’s Day weekend running in the Krispy Kreme challenge with some good friends in 20 degree weather!  Run 2.5 miles, eat a dozen doughnuts, and run 2.5 miles home.  It was awesome for me who ate only one doughnut while doing “cheers” with the boys who each ate two and then safely tucked the rest of the doughnuts under the jogger for the run back.  Scott however ate all 12 and fought back the urge to puke on the last 2.5 miles back home.  He’s honest.  I cheated but would do it again in that same scenario!

Crazy Dave, Whitney, Scott, Katie, and Bryson (Aiden and Court were almost asleep in the stroller)

Crazy Dave, Whitney, Scott, Katie, and Bryson (Aiden and Court were almost asleep in the stroller)

Court and Aiden cheered "Go Mama Go" for at least 3/4 of the race.  Wonderful to bring my own cheering section!

Court and Aiden cheered “Go Mama Go” for at least 3/4 of the race. Wonderful to bring my own cheering section!

Scott and our fearless (and hilarious) friend Bryson who is constantly running races in his speedo.

Scott and our fearless (and hilarious) friend Bryson who is constantly running races in his speedo.

After taking some naps and relaxing a bit, Charlie and Chatham met us at Bub and Pop’s house for some basketball and to celebrate Valentine’s Day.


Charlie teaching William all about a slam dunk


Giving our Valentines to Big One


Baby William – what a cutie!


Charlie and Chatham – the happy (and expecting) couple


Definitely one of the most memorable Valentine’s Days we’ve had together. I do love that man of mine…even after a dozen doughnuts!


Before we headed back to Charlotte on Sunday, we met Brad, Sawyer, and Carson at the practice gym and ran out some energy

Here’s to hoping your Valentine’s Day was filled with time spent honoring the ones you love!

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