Girls weekend

This beach house:


A freezing cold weekend with only these girls:


Cristen, Jen, Kelley, and Katie

And one little boy:

Bruno loved snuggling wherever he could get it.

Bruno loved snuggling wherever he could get it.


And took a few rides in a hoodie.

And took a few rides in a hoodie.

Plus a little shopping:


And some general silliness

A few selfies:


A few wonderful dinners:


Dinner at Husk in downtown Charleston, SC

What a wonderful weekend!  It was so wonderful to catch up with my PT school girls who have literally scattered across the country.  It was like we were 25 again!  Thanks to Big One for keep Aiden and Court alive and well and to Bub and Pop for allowing my girls and I to take over the beachhouse.  I promise, there were enough giggles to hold the house over until summertime!


This is the conversation that we had on the way home from baby camp today.

Aiden: “Mama, we learned about Lent today.”

Me: “Oh really? What did you learn?”

Aiden:  “I don’t really remember but I know you give something up for Jesus.”

In the middle of me explaining why Christians celebrate Lent…

Court: “Mama, I know a Chinese New Year Song.”

Me:  “Court, one thing at a time, eh?”

Aiden: “I know some people give up foods for Lent but I think kids should give up a toy. I think I am going to give up my sword for Lent.”

Court:  “Yeah, because God doesn’t like people to fight.”

Me:  “That’s a great idea!  Court are you going to give up your sword too?”

Court:  “No. I am going to give up playing with the blue Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.”  Then starts singing said Chinese New Year song.

Aiden:  “But Court, we do not have a blue Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!”

Me:  “Way to sacrifice Court.”

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Valentine’s Day

We started off Valentine’s Day weekend running in the Krispy Kreme challenge with some good friends in 20 degree weather!  Run 2.5 miles, eat a dozen doughnuts, and run 2.5 miles home.  It was awesome for me who ate only one doughnut while doing “cheers” with the boys who each ate two and then safely tucked the rest of the doughnuts under the jogger for the run back.  Scott however ate all 12 and fought back the urge to puke on the last 2.5 miles back home.  He’s honest.  I cheated but would do it again in that same scenario!

Crazy Dave, Whitney, Scott, Katie, and Bryson (Aiden and Court were almost asleep in the stroller)

Crazy Dave, Whitney, Scott, Katie, and Bryson (Aiden and Court were almost asleep in the stroller)

Court and Aiden cheered "Go Mama Go" for at least 3/4 of the race.  Wonderful to bring my own cheering section!

Court and Aiden cheered “Go Mama Go” for at least 3/4 of the race. Wonderful to bring my own cheering section!

Scott and our fearless (and hilarious) friend Bryson who is constantly running races in his speedo.

Scott and our fearless (and hilarious) friend Bryson who is constantly running races in his speedo.

After taking some naps and relaxing a bit, Charlie and Chatham met us at Bub and Pop’s house for some basketball and to celebrate Valentine’s Day.


Charlie teaching William all about a slam dunk


Giving our Valentines to Big One


Baby William – what a cutie!


Charlie and Chatham – the happy (and expecting) couple


Definitely one of the most memorable Valentine’s Days we’ve had together. I do love that man of mine…even after a dozen doughnuts!


Before we headed back to Charlotte on Sunday, we met Brad, Sawyer, and Carson at the practice gym and ran out some energy

Here’s to hoping your Valentine’s Day was filled with time spent honoring the ones you love!

Weekend happenings

We laid low this weekend and just enjoyed being in Charlotte.  But there were some interesting happenings all the same.

This past week Aiden’s class has been studying all aspects of building.  They had a fun week of different building challenges that they used blocks and other building materials to construct.  They also drew different famous buildings from around the work.  On Friday, Aiden’s teacher had a cake made and picked the best picture in the class to put on the cake to celebrate the kids hard work.  Guess whose picture she chose?

That's right, Aiden's Petronas Tower made the cake!

That’s right, Aiden’s Petronas Tower made the cake!

On Saturday, Aiden had a basketball game and he filled up a stat sheet – one block, one assist and one steal!  Everyone went crazy when he got a clean block – pretty impressive if you ask me! Then we went to the Nature Museum and pretended to be bugs.


Meanwhile, Scott and Court went to his friend Lucas’ 4th birthday where he got to ride in some big diggers.  A dream of a birthday party.


We also enjoyed general silliness like drinking out of a straw with our name on it!  (Thanks to Jess Luke for that gift!)


And the biggest news of all.  Court stopped sucking his thumb!  At least temporarily.  The dentist suggested we try a particular fingernail polish which is really bitter to help him stop.  So far it has worked like a charm.  He put that thumb in his mouth one time, grimaced and hasn’t done it again.  I feel a little like I am putting him through torture by forcing him to stop but his teeth and palate and not forming properly so it’s time to take some action. He has been a trooper and hasn’t whined about it one time.  Such a brave big boy he is becoming!


Two thumbs up!