5 year old check up

I took Aiden for his 5 year old check up last week.  He got a clean bill of health, thank God.  He is still big which will probably catch up with him soon per our family doc.  He’s 3 feet, 9.25 inches (89th percentile) and 44.6 lbs (73rd percentile). He has grown about 3 inches in one year!  Amazing!  Afterwards I took him to Krispy Kreme as a treat for being such a generally healthy kid.  He doesn’t usually want dessert after dinner, he eats like a horse, always finishes his milk, takes his hypothyroid medicine without a single complaint everyday, and makes a habit of just randomly busting out some burpees or pushups each day.  So I’m proud of that healthy boy of ours. Hope we don’t use up all of his healthy living days in the first few years of his life!

This is the series of photos Aiden wanted to take to rub it in to Big One that Aiden got a doughnut and Big One was at work with no doughnuts.

This is the series of photos Aiden wanted to take to rub it in to Big One that Aiden got a doughnut and Big One was at work with no doughnuts.

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