Christmas in Flat Rock

Doesn't this photo taken by Scott just say Christmas Eve?!

Doesn’t this photo taken by Scott just say Christmas Eve?!


Playing with Aunt Sandy, Uncle Larry, and cousin Hunter's gifts on Christmas Eve.

Playing with Aunt Sandy, Uncle Larry, and cousin Hunter’s gifts on Christmas Eve.

Aiden and Court getting to open their gifts to each other on Christmas Eve. They gave each other swords.  Heartwarming.

Aiden and Court getting to open their gifts to each other on Christmas Eve. They gave each other swords. Heartwarming.

"'Twas the Night Before Christmas"

“‘Twas the Night Before Christmas”

Christmas Morning!!

Christmas Morning!!

Kimmie and Bruno in their Christmas duds

Kimmie and Bruno in their Christmas duds

Big One's new hedge trimmer from the boys.

Big One’s new hedge trimmer from the boys.

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Now we just need some snow!

Now we just need some snow!

Amazing homemade aircraft carriers with fighter jets from Grandpa Wolford

Amazing homemade aircraft carriers with fighter jets from Grandpa Wolford

New Carolina gear!

New Carolina gear!


These big boxes held a bunch of Disney balloons to give the boys their gift from Big One and Mama.

These big boxes held a bunch of Disney balloons to give the boys their gift from Big One and Mama.

We're going to Disney World!

We’re going to Disney World!  They were totally underwhelmed by being told they were going to go to Disney but loved the balloons.  Pretty sure they’ll love Disney once they get there 🙂

Don't forget about the stockings!

Don’t forget about the stockings!

New mugs from Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Ken

New mugs from Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Ken

Bruno's new favorite bone

Bruno’s new favorite bone

Trying out our new running gear from Santa!

Trying out our new running gear from Santa!

Bruno's shirt says "Sorry, Santa. I ate your cookies."

Bruno’s shirt says “Sorry, Santa. I ate your cookies.”

Aunt Cheryl's Christmas pies were almost too pretty to eat.

Aunt Cheryl’s Christmas pies were almost too pretty to eat.

Hope you Christmas was filled with family, laughter, and lots of love!

Hope your Christmas was filled with family, laughter, and lots of love!

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