Christmas with the Wolfords

The weekend before Christmas, we hosted Mike, Cara, Ryan, Lindsay, Roger and Chris Watson, and Grandma and Grandpa Wolford for a brunch to celebrate Christmas a little early.  Everyone brought scrumptious food including fruit made to look like the grinch and like a Christmas tree (from Chris), the best homemade cheese danish I have ever had (Grandma), a cherry danish in the shape of a candy cane (Chris),  more pancakes than an army could eat (Scott), and the most delicious variety of Christmas cookies (Cara).  After we all stuffed our bellies full, we opened Christmas gifts and then played with some of them.  We couldn’t play with all of them because there were too many!!  What a wonderful way to welcome in the week of Christmas!


Aiden had a basketball game earlier that morning so he was famished and stuffing his face with all of the goodies

Lindsay has been on a bit of a hunger strike recently but she ATE this morning!

Lindsay has been on a bit of a hunger strike recently but she ate well this morning!

Here come the gifts

Here come the gifts

Court was very excited to be an elf and bring everyone their gifts

Court was very excited to be an elf and bring everyone their gifts


Ryan couldn't wait to start opening!

Ryan couldn’t wait to start opening!

Grandma reading tags for Aiden.

Grandma reading tags for Aiden.

We told the kids that they could't open gifts until they posed for a photo.  A little bribery never hurt anyone, right?

We told the kids that they could’t open gifts until they posed for a photo. A little bribery never hurt anyone, right?


A new bow and arrow!

Teenage mutant ninja turtles!

Teenage mutant ninja turtles!

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A bow and arrow

A bow and arrow

Bruno got some good treats for Christmas

Bruno got some good treats for Christmas


Target practice for Lindsay

Target practice for Lindsay

At Court was great at retrieving Linsday's arrows.  He just adores that cousin of his.

Court was great at retrieving Linsday’s arrows. He just adores that cousin of his.

Grandma and Grandpa look great - the rest of them, well, we did our best.

Grandma, Grandpa, and Lindsay look great – the rest of them, well, we did our best.

And thanks to Uncle Mike and Aunt Cara, this is what our evening looked like - new PJ's and slippers!

And thanks to Uncle Mike and Aunt Cara, this is what our evening looked like – new PJ’s and slippers!

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